The assignment is to select a topic that relates to the issue of colour. This can be a book, an article, a film, graphic communication, or the use of language. We had to find out the underlying racism which still exists in the contemporary world and do an in-depth analysis of the topic chosen. This is carried out in 3 steps, that is, data collection, analysis and, conclusion and discussion.

As a child growing up in India, I distinctly recall my textbooks and the English poems we were taught. The names and illustrations within these books appeared dissimilar to those of my peers. For instance, the popular nursery rhyme “Johny, Johny, Yes Papa” featured a name that seemed foreign to us, as none of the children in our class bore the name Johny.
Furthermore, the names mentioned in our textbooks were often foreign, and the illustrations did not resemble me or any of my classmates. This caused a sense of insecurity within me, as I felt that I did not resemble the children depicted in the book or that my name was too Indian.

I wanted to look into the academic English textbook of the current year and investigate the ratio of foreign names as compared to Indian names.
These textbooks are currently used by students in India, for grades 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, and the book name is “Gul Mohar”.

Thorough research reveals a white racial frame in textbooks, evident in the over-representation of foreign names versus Indian names, with 58% being foreign in Indian students' textbooks grades 1,3, academic year 2023, raising questions about textbooks role in cultural identity and colonialism's influence. Textbooks are crucial for students' understanding, but a lack of diversity and inclusion can lead to marginalization, hindering learning. Educators must prioritize inclusivity and cultural sensitivity in educational materials to combat the pervasive impact of the white racial frame and foster a more inclusive learning environment.
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